
Transition Program

Not Just a Transition House….but a Transition Program

Courtney with her daughter

Upon completion of the Regeneration Program, entering the Transition Program is often the appropriate next step. This program provides the support women need to make a successful transition back into the community and their families.

Each woman becomes empowered to move forward in her life and reach her transition goals. During this time, the women continue to strengthen their relationship with God and maintain their recovery while adjusting to the demands of daily life.

While in the Transition Program, the women live in single-family homes on The Refuge Ranch property. They receive support in creating a personalized transition plan and guidance while working the plan to completion.

While the women have more freedom in this program than in the Regeneration Program, accountability remains a strong aspect of their lives.


“After graduating from the program, I knew I needed support in transitioning back into my children’s lives. The Transition Program provides continued accountability and guidance while building a future of self-sufficiency. I learned how to live on a budget, opened a bank account and have been able to complete a Certified Nursing Assistant program. Now I am a home health care provider. Caring for hurting people in their own homes has always been a dream of mine but now it is a reality. Natalie

What Will You Learn?

Transition residents learn to create and follow a budget, build a savings account, decide a career path, and determine what it will take to realize their goals.

Resume building, interview skills, identifying job opportunities, and learning to handle on-the-job stress and relationship challenges are all part of the Transition Program.

While in the Regeneration Program, the women gain physical, emotional, and spiritual strength. Maintaining this progress is a priority in the Transition Program. Women complete the program once they have accomplished their transition plan and laid a strong foundation for long-term stability and success.